Life Knocks in the visceral flesh of my body
As I walk around my day busy in my world and life
“Hey I’m here … “ she gently whispers and grounds me back into presence when all else s around is falling apart
So much exposure to vulnerability, fragility , life , death , existential touchstones around me l
Where to hold onto when all certainties fade away before my eyes?
The question dissolved the questioner, and the answer emerges organically with crystal clarity - from silence - the place of wisdom embodied by us all
Answer :
As my baby girl knocks from the “inside “ so does our life …calling us HERE in each inhale and exhale
Some call it “the call.” Do I hear it ?
In the passing of the wind
In the song of the birds at dawn when awake for my toddlers upset
In the laughter of my children innocently playing
The touch of my beautiful, loving husband
The whispers of the songs long forgotten but never gone
The call of the ancestors as I walk in my daily life
The vastness of the sky
The freedom in the tears shed
The warmth of the heart let to be expressed as it wants in each moment
The feeling of my smallness -
The potency of life's humble embrace to hold it ALL together
instantaneously paradoxical
I’m so small in this majestic universe -
decision-makingthis gives me immense comfort and a break from the illusion of control/ decision making/ responsibility
life knows how to BE
She knows before words are even formed
“Hey I’m here “
(February 2022-27 weeks pregnancy)