JOY for NO reason... reason belongs to the mind... JOY IS the heart as heart...
When you are in Eros you have NO questions about life … you ARE life !!!!
The bliss joy peace aliveness - here ness is all there IS !! Release Release the grip fellow lover of life Release the grip and free- fall Fiercely Fearlessly In the embrace of Eros The embrace of your inner infinity Your inner radiance and glow Your inner outer juiciness
Expressed in the most unique manifestation That is YOU !!
Free fall and worry NOT As the hands of GOD / Love are here to hold you
In the falling hold onto the thread Of the weaving of your persona And let it unravel Fully Wholly
In the unravelling you will discover That there was no weaving of a person , ever Your person was nothing but a thread in the universal tapestry of existence
Let it all go And in the letting go allow yourself to be weaved aNEW In any given moment
Maria August 2023