PCP Presence centered psychotherapy
sound healing
About Maria
Welcome to my site. I am an embodied living paradox ; which goes beyond all roles. I am a guide on your journey toward truth, peace, and inner belonging; and an activator of your inner radiance and power to ripple in the world. Godness how much we need your light! Through (over 17 ) years of psychotherapy training, continuous professional and personal development, and over 16 years of practice of spiritual/ self-inquiry, I have uncovered the underlying essence of my inner truth. I have discovered an inner belonging.
This has shaped what I offer today © Presence Centred Psychotherapy, supervision, and sound healing. A term that was coined in 2023( all rights reserved).
My approach is rooted in a deep, embodied understanding of our infinite nature of presence and the interconnectedness of all human beings. At our core, lies pure infinite love, a timeless and loving dimension – our universal heart. My work is deeply decolonial. Im keenly interested in your emergence, and inn journeying with you as part of our wider collective UN-becoming into Being.
I trust radically in your wounds ( I really do!). They are the gateway to discovering your inner light. I am not scared of the dark as I have travelled deep in the well of my psyche to discover light. I have and continue to uncover the gifts of my ancestors within me through breaking chains of intergenerational trauma in the cauldron of my bodily existence.
The key to liberating yourself from suffering is within your heart. My practice is centred on awareness, unfolding from moment to moment, through the power of embodied presence. I guide you to connect with your already available true essence, delving into the subtle realms of presence. If healing is needed, we safely release the contracted energy stored in your body/mind, influenced by your conditioned past and ancestral lineage. And in this process you gain new meaning and purpose for your life.
As my own journey deepens, I witness the organic dissolution of what no longer serves me, melting away in the universal heart space. Ego ( or the limited version of ourselves we think we are) becomes like the moon in the daytime sky – still present, yet faded, bathing in the spaciousness of the sky.
Your joy is my joy. Your wounding is my wounding. Your light is my light. From this place, it's evident that we are not separate.
Thank you for trusting yourself, trusting me, and trusting life to walk alongside you on this transformative journey.
I eagerly anticipate meeting you in all your power and vulnerability, for that is who you truly are. A truly radiant being of human, with all the complexities life has gifted you.
©PresenceCentredPsychotherapy( PCP) . All rights reserved, This terminology is copyrighted under copyright law

What clients Say

" The wound is the place where the Light enters you...
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and right-doing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there. "